Peter Lerche wrote:

>Hi, I have followed this thread with interest
>and noted what Chris wrote.
>"Edgar, AFAIK this is not true. <map:act> can contain all other tags
>that are allowed within a pipeline. "
>However, what about nested map:act tags. 
No problem. An example is the mod-db sample sitemap. (In scratchpad for 
Not sure whether nesting works with action-sets, though.

><map:match pattern="form/validation/*">
>  <map:act type="form-validator"/>
>    <map:parameter name="descriptor" value="descriptor.xml"/>
>    <map:parameter name="validate-set" value="{1}"/>
>       <!-- form validation OK -->     
>    <map:act type="db-saveform"/>
                                                   <!-- ??? '/' closes 
tag ??? -->
                                                   <!-- thus following 
parameters belong to form-validator ? -->

>    <map:parameter name="table" value="formtest"/>
>       <!-- form validation OK -->     
>       <!-- form saved in db OK -->
>       <map:generator yyyyyyyyyyyyyy/> 
>       <map:serialize xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/>
>    </map:act>
>        <!-- form saved in db ERROR -->
>       <map:generator zzzzzzzzzzzzz/>  
>       <map:serialize vvvvvvvvvvvvv/>
> </map:act>
>       <!-- form validation Error -->
>       <map:generator wwwwwwwwwwwwww/> 
>       <map:serialize qqqqqqqqqqqqqq/>
Apart from the comment this looks reasonable.

>I have tried to get this working but without any luck.
Does an error show up in your logs?


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