On 23.May.2002 -- 01:15 PM, Christopher Painter-Wakefield wrote:
> if I do a redirect in an Action, does that effectively terminate the
> pipeline also?

Yes it does. I have never used the redirector object but it should do
exactly that. Using the redirector object and redirecting on sitemap
level should be equivalent.

> Also, is my understanding correct that if I create an Action that merely
> returns a new Map, this is essentially a no-action and will leave the
> pipeline unaffected?

If a map is returned, the tags nested within the action are included
in the pipeline. If no map (null) is returned, they are not
included. This obviously does not prevent you from using side effects
of your action. A database action could still modify data.

BTW it is not required to nest anything inside an action.

Hence, if nothing is nested, it doesn't matter whether your action
returns a map or not.



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