Hi !

perhaps it helps if you decrease the line-height (style-attribute):

  <td colspan="5" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="font-size: 1px">
    <img height="5" width="1" src="b.gif">

Christoph Gaffga

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr. Hans M. Rupp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:11 PM
Subject: Reformatting of html source problems

> Hallo!
> We have a general problem with publishing html with Cocoon. The core of
> the problem is that a html page can be rendered differently with
> different layouts of the otherwise identical html source code.
> For example:
> <tr>
> <td colspan="5" bgcolor="#ffffff"><img height="5" width="1"
> src="b.gif"></td>
> </tr>
> draws a 5 pix high line across the table
> however
> <tr>
> <td colspan="5" bgcolor="#ffffff">
>     <img height="5" width="1" src="b.gif">
> </td>
> </tr>
> draws a line which has the height single line of text, because of
> the line break.
> I have noticed that at some points the html serializer does introduce
> the extra line-feed at others not. Looking thru our stylessheet I have
> not been able to figure out what might cause this behavior.
> We have already tried a serializer which does not include linebreaks at
> all, all the html source appears on a single line. But that might cause
> problems at other points of the layout too and the html source output is
> unreadable.
> We get html pages from a design company and translate them to XSL and
> XSP to run them on Cocoon. I would guess that this kind of workflow must
> be rather common. So the problem must have turned up before.
> Is there any general solution for this problem? How are we supposed to
> deal with sophisticated input from html designers?
> Many thanks,
> Hans
> --------------------------------------------
> Dr. Hans M. Rupp
> danet Internet Solutions GmbH
> Waldburgstr. 17-19
> 70563 Stuttgart
> Germany
> Fon +49 711 133 53 50
> Fax +49 711 133 53 53
> ------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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