Title: RE: Reformatting of html source problems


I ran into this problem when I first started experimenting with Cocoon (2). I actually gave up because of this - due to lack of time mostly. I believe that the html serializer is slightly flawed - it should IMHO behave _exactly_ like the serializing triggered by the <xsl:output method="html"/>-instruction in XSLT. All of the processors I've tried (e.g. XT, Saxon and Xalan) have worked as expected when used independently. I had a couple of webapps which used XML+XSLT - none of them looked good when serialized by Cocoon.

The general opinion seemed to be that this isn't an issue with Cocoon itself, since clients adhering to standards won't have a problem with this. The whitespace (linebreak) sensitive behaviour of most browsers is quite a problem though, and I do not believe that this approach helps promoting Cocoon.

I love Cocoon in all other aspects, and have an enormous respect for all those involved in developing it. It is a formidable application. But I didn't have the energy to prompt for change, so I gave up on using it - it was too big a risk for me to use it with this problem still remaining.

    (Another issue which is raised by this is when _needing_ to generate inline javascript (which might happen every now and then). There is (I have) simply too great a need for this whitespace control to accept the "overruling" behaviour of Coccon's serializer.)

My belief is that this can be solved by extending/writing a new serializer; perhaps one directly using the functionality in the XSLT-processor used. Might this be correct, and acceptably easy to do?

Best regards,

(Who just unsubscribed to the list, due to my own inactivity. Typically, this made me begin to read it again, with renewed interest. :) I won't join again for a while though - no time. )

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Hans M. Rupp
Sent: 6/26/02 12:11 PM
Subject: Reformatting of html source problems


We have a general problem with publishing html with Cocoon. The core of
the problem is that a html page can be rendered differently with
different layouts of the otherwise identical html source code.

For example:

<td colspan="5" bgcolor="#ffffff"><img height="5" width="1"
draws a 5 pix high line across the table


<td colspan="5" bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <img height="5" width="1" src=""b.gif">

draws a line which has the height single line of text, because of
the line break.

I have noticed that at some points the html serializer does introduce
the extra line-feed at others not. Looking thru our stylessheet I have
not been able to figure out what might cause this behavior.
We have already tried a serializer which does not include linebreaks at
all, all the html source appears on a single line. But that might cause
problems at other points of the layout too and the html source output is

We get html pages from a design company and translate them to XSL and
XSP to run them on Cocoon. I would guess that this kind of workflow must
be rather common. So the problem must have turned up before.

Is there any general solution for this problem? How are we supposed to
deal with sophisticated input from html designers?

Many thanks,


Dr. Hans M. Rupp
danet Internet Solutions GmbH
Waldburgstr. 17-19
70563 Stuttgart

Fon +49 711 133 53 50
Fax +49 711 133 53 53


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