Title: SOLVED: retrieve esql return code or output paramter

Thanks to all who offered help!!

I figured this one out, and the problem was due to my own lack of knowledge about jdbc and stored procedures in general.  But thought I'd write up the answer just in case anyone else makes the same mistake.

Apparently, you can execute your stored procedure without registering an output parameter, but if you want to use that output parameter you have to register it with <esql:parameter direction="out" type="appropriate_type"/>.

Cocoon 2.0.2
Tomcat 4.0.1
JDK 1.3
Sybase Database

There were no errors/other info in the logs, but upon adding an <esql:error-results>.. block to my logicsheet, I saw the SQL exception JZ0SB Parameter index out of range: 0

The solution was to call the stored procedure differently using:

        <!-- Call sproc to launch cold/reverse finger search -->
        {<esql:parameter direction="out" type="Int"/> = call LaunchSearches(
                        <esql:parameter direction="in" type="String"><xsp-request:get-parameter name="xlpin"/></esql:parameter>,

                        <xsp-request:get-parameter name="search_type"/>)}
                <output><esql:get-int column="1" from-call="yes"/></output>


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Haul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: retrieve esql return code or output paramter

On 26.Jun.2002 -- 09:51 AM, Naquin, Beth wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, but I am still having problems.

OK, I need more info to investigate further:

a) which version of Cocoon do you use
b) sitemap.log / error.log / core.log for this page
   (look for error messages / stacktraces)
c) complete <esql:connection> snippet
d) complete java source generated from that snippet
e) sample java code that works with this procedure


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