On 28.Jun.2002 -- 09:19 AM, Bobby Mitchell wrote:
> I'm using Cocoon 2.1-dev, IBM JDK 1.3, running on RedHat 7.2, and using 
> Sybase 11.9.2.
> I can't add or update users in the DB. I can only delete them. I tried 
> this with both Sybase and Hsqldb and the results are the same.

AFAIK there's a pending bug that the treeprocssor (which interpretes
the sitemap for 2.1-dev per default) does not allow to nest actions in
an action-set. Hence using db-add inside form-val does not work with
that release and the tutorial is broken.

With 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 (not released, yet, available from CVS, branch
cocoon_2_0_3_branch) it should work.

> While using Sybase I had to remove the <esql:parameter> begin and end 
> tags in order to actually edit the entry, otherwise I get an sql error 
> stating that "SELECT name, department_id FROM employee WHERE id = ? " is 
> an error. The id is being passed as a ? so it causes an error. When 
> using Hsqldb I made no changes to the code.

This is standard JDBC syntax for a prepared statement that takes
parameters. Maybe the original error message provides more information?

> Has anyone ever seen this before? Where do I look in the log files for 
> debug info, such as tracking what is taking place behind the scenes? Are 
> there debug parameters that I can pass to Cocoon and receive more debug 
> info.

That is spread among several files. Most interesting are probably
core.log and sitemap.log. This can be configured in logkit.xconf.

> My wish list:
>    A debug feature that outlines each move Cocoon makes, so I can trace 
> what my code is producing and more importantly where it fails.

The java code produced from an XSP is located

It often helps a lot to have a look at it.


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