On 02.Jul.2002 -- 11:36 AM, Bobby Mitchell wrote:
> >>While using Sybase I had to remove the <esql:parameter> begin and end 
> >>tags in order to actually edit the entry, otherwise I get an sql error 
> >>stating that "SELECT name, department_id FROM employee WHERE id = ? " is 
> >>an error. The id is being passed as a ? so it causes an error. When 
> >>using Hsqldb I made no changes to the code.
> >>
> This behaviour is the same as before. Here is the error message:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in 
> ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error 
> executing statement: SELECT name, department_id FROM employee WHERE id = 
> ? : com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Implicit conversion from 
> datatype 'CHAR' to 'INT' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run 
> this query.

Yep, error message says it all. The example is attempting to use a
String to set an int column. It looks like HSQLDB is more forgiving in
this. Change it to

              SELECT name, department_id FROM employee
              WHERE id = <esql:parameter 
type="int"><xsp:expr>Integer.parseInt(<xsp-request:get-parameter name="id" 

and convert the string explicitly to an integer. I've set a default of
"0" in case the parameter is non-existent to prevent a NPE or

It would be great if you could go through the tutorial and look for
other, similar changes, that would be required to run it e.g. on
sybase and file a bug in bugzilla with patches.


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