On Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 02:43:41PM +0200, Koen Pellegrims wrote:
> Don't cling too much to the fact that you are using a PocketPC. If your
> application sends data as an HTTP request, your server can handle it easily;
> you could develop the entire server-side application using a normal browser
> as a client and then switch over to the PocketPC...
This was my first idea .. the application's got to be quick and I need to do
some client side data caching 

> To answer you last question: the StreamGenerator generates XML data from an
> incoming stream, who's length is not fixed. You won't be needing this, as
I think that for stream that length IS fixed
from cocoon docs:
For POST requests with mimetypes: text/plain, text/xml, application/xml the
xml data is in the body of the POST request and its length is specified by the
value returned by getContentLength() method. 
         | /  \ |        Leszek Gawron            //  \\
        \_\\  //_/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]          _\\()//_
         .'/()\'.     Phone: +48(600)341118     / //  \\ \
          \\  //  recursive: adj; see recursive  | \__/ |

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