On Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 05:09:30PM +0200, Sven Kuenzler wrote:
> Leszek Gawron wrote:
> >2. Using XHTTPRequest component from MSXML library I'm sending this data to
> >cocoon server.
> [...]
> >I am not able to use SOAP because Pocket PC platform does not have a good 
> >one
> >( .NET Compact Framework is still beta and PocketSOAP won't even run on
> >Emulator - I think they cannot be considered as a good basis for reliable
> >software).
> While PocketSOAP does not run on PocketPC 2002 emulation, I am using it 
> on PocketPC 2002 and HPC Jornada devices w/o any problem.
> However, I am using it in order to transfer DOMDocuments. This means 
> that I  serialize the document as <escaped/> String parameter that 
> needs another parsing at the server side.
> Thus, I am curious about your XMLHTTPRequest approach. I thought these 
> components where available on MSXML 3.0 and upwards, while WinCE 3.0 
> still includes MSXML 2.5!? Does the component on WinCE support HTTPS and 
> authentication?
the article
says that you'vee got XMLHTTP interface available:

provides even an example:
var httpOb = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
httpOb.Open("POST","http://myServer/postContact.asp";, false);
var contact = template.XMLDocument.documentElement;
contact.childNodes.item(0).text = contactName.value;
contact.childNodes.item(1).text = contactPhone.value;
contact.childNodes.item(2).text = contactEmail.value;

I still am in "attempt" stage of my application (and becoming more and more
furious while new troubles of this kid arrive). I've got no idea if XMLHTTP
supports HTTPS (eVC propmpts for some dll files that i do not have - I will
deal with that as soon as I take care of server part)

Can you give me an example how you are sending xml documents to the server? 
         | /  \ |        Leszek Gawron            //  \\
        \_\\  //_/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]          _\\()//_
         .'/()\'.     Phone: +48(600)341118     / //  \\ \
          \\  //  recursive: adj; see recursive  | \__/ |

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