cocoon/WEB-INF/classes or cocoon/WEB-INF/libs  (for jar files)


Robert Bourdeau wrote:

>I think there was a thread on this, BUT it appears that the
>cocoon-users archive is not indexed, there is no web archive, and 
>I can't keep all the Cocoon-user messages. So, apologies in advance
>if this question was recently asked. (I did check the FAQ, nothing there).
>Ok, I want to utilize application specific java classes in my XSPs
>that, using JSP, I would normally location within the <appdir>/WEB-INF 
>directory. I'm quite familiar with the Tomcat 4 class loaders, but Cocoon is
>its own Tomcat servlet, so it would seem that I'm forced to utilize
>a WEB-INF directory within the cocoon dir? 
>Suggestions or pointers?
>       Cocoon 2.0.1-dev
>       Tomcat 4.0.1, Apache 1.3.24 with WARP
>       JDK 1.3.1
>       Solaris 2.7 on a Sparc platform
>--- Bob
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