> > It's not that these solutions won't work, but they feel awkward and
> > seem a little like hacks. I work in a shop where we have multiple
> > virtual hosts running on a single server configuration, and within
> > each virtual host, multiple applications. Further, there are dev,
> > alpha, beta, and prod configurations of everything, so I expect to
> > be able to configure my software to allow for the independent upgrade
> > of a Cocoon application from dev to prod without interferring
> > with any of my other applications (except for changes in the common
> > components, Cocoon, Tomcat, etc.)
> Every application has WEB-INF directory, thus, it has all the libraries
> it needs and it does not interfere with other applications.
> When you upgrade one of the applications, you just replace application
> directory with the version of the new one, replacing all the libraries
> old application has with new versions. This does not affect any other
> application deployed in the system.
> So, what's the issue?
> Vadim

You're calling Cocoon "the application". For me, the application is 
my "Environmental Treaty Information Service", and 
my "Work Flow Management System", and my "Guide to Global Population
Projections", and my "Collaborative Document Authoring Environment".
These applications could all be XML applications supported by Cocoon, 
but in Cocoon they do not get their own WEB-INF directory. In JSP, they
do. Now, yes, I could create subdirs in cocoon/WEB-INF/classes or create
separate jars for each in the libs, and have my apps each include their own.
I'm still mulling this over, and maybe this is all fine. Still mulling this
over.  In gneral, I'm wanting something as transparent as a an Apache module, 
or add on Tomcat core classes. Something more transparent than Cocoon
current seems.

Don't get me wrong. I think Cocoon is great. It's really fantastic.
It's a steep learning curve, but I think it's worth the climb.
This is a hunt for the right way to configure an environment for
multiple developers, multiple projects, multiple computers,
and a staged releases.

Thanks for your comments!

--- Bob

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