> From: Eric di Domenico [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi, I am attempting to use an XSP file as the descrfiptor for the
> FormValidator.

How do you do this?


> When I access the xsp file directly I see the correct output, but via
> the sitemap I get this error:
> ERROR   (2002-07-18) 08:22.27:019
> [sitemap.action.form-validator](/accounttariff/validate)
> HttpProcessor[80][2]/AbstractComplementaryConfigurableAction: Could
> configure Database mapping environment org.xml.sax.SAXException: Not
> allowed to define mixed content in the element esql:query at
> jndi:/localhost/xml/accounttariff-form.xsp:13:17
> In my xsp file I am using xsp:expr tags inside the esql tags. The file
> compiles and gives the correct output when called directly.
> Does anyone have a clue?
> Thanks
> Ciao
> Eric

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