Hi Jeorg,

The output is just a blank page.My sitemap is as follows(My file 
is a jsp file):

<map:match pattern="jsp/*">
<map:generate type="jsp" src="/concatenate/jsp/{1}.jsp"/>
<map:transform type="i18n"/>
<map:transform src="conc.xsl"/>
<map:transform type="i18n"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>

my log files has the following content:

Logger for category root.xslt returned


On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 Joerg Heinicke wrote :
>What's your output? You should at least see 'Male' and 'Female' 
>in the output. If you don't specify a key (i18n:key attribute), 
>the text in the <i18n:text></i18n:text> element is used as key, 
>therefore I wrote <xsl:value-of select="@sex"/>.
>How does your sitemap according i18n look like? What's written in 
>the log files?
>kavitha ramesh wrote:
>>Hi Jeorg,
>>Thanks for your reply.
>>Nothing is happening when I tried your code.In the xsl file 
>>should I add the message keys Male and Female?
>>On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 Joerg Heinicke wrote :
>>><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
>>>   <xsl:template match="gender">
>>>     <i18n:text><xsl:value-of select="@sex"/></i18n:text>
>>>     <xsl:text/> <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
>>>   </xsl:template>
>>>in catalogue_en.xml:
>>><message key="Male">Mr.</message>
>>><message key="Female">Mrs.</message>
>>>in catalogue_de.xml:
>>><message key="Male">Frau</message>
>>><message key="Female">Herr</message>
>>>kavitha ramesh wrote:
>>>>I have an xml file which is as follows:
>>>><gender sex="Male">
>>>><gender sex="Female">
>>>>and my xsl file is as follows:
>>>>and my messages for i18n are as follows:
>>>><message key="text1">Mr</message>
>>>><message key="text2">Mrs</message>
>>>><message key="text1">Herrn</message>
>>>><message key="text2">Frau</message>
>>>>If the sex is male, the browser should display
>>>>If the sex is female then the browser should display
>>>>How do I do this?Please help me,,,
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