How mature and/or feature complete do you consider Forrest.  Or put another 
way, when do you see a beta release of some sort?

Thank You,

> Anthony W. Marino wrote:
> > Hello Steven,
> > I noticed that one of the projects that Forrest depends on is "Centipede"
> > which is maintained by Apache people however isn't not a in "Jakarta"
> > repository.   Does that imply something about the project?
> Nope, except that our own directory layout and build process are
> designed after Centipede (Centipede is 'just' a generic directory layout
> and template build environment to start a project with). The liaison
> between Apache and Krysalis is not 'official', but you should consider
> Krysalis as some kind of breading room for Apache projects (sort of):
> same license, same policies, etc. Nothing to worry about - you wouldn't
> even know it if we hadn't put the reference up there.
> > It does, however, seem  to be an exciting project!
> >
> :-)
> :
> > Thank You,
> > Anthony
> My pleasure,
> </Steven>

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