> I have a servlet which generates an xml file which in
> turn should be transformed using xslt.How do I write
> the pipeline for the same?
> Say the name of the servlet is check.class(where
> should I place the class, in web-inf?), the name of
> the xml file generated by the pipeline is test.xml and
> the stylesheet used is test.xsl.How should my pipeline
> look like?

  I handle this with any entry like the following in the main pipeline in 

      <!-- chain a servlet from tomcat -->
      <!-- note: using the request action only works for GET not for POST -->
       <map:match pattern="Servlet/*">
           <map:act type="request">
               <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
               <map:generate src="http://myserver.com:8080{requestURI}{requestQ
uery}" />
               <map:transform src="stylesheets/servlets.xsl" />
           <map:serialize type="html"/>

  (If somebody has a good solution for POST I'd be interested in seeing it)

  My servlets are handled directly by tomcat (which is listening on port 
8080), that way I can easily control
  access to the "raw" servlet.  But you can have cocoon handle the servlet 
instead by making the proper
  entries in the cocoon WEB-INF/web.xml file, for example:

   <!-- after the normal cocoon <servlet> entry -->

  <!-- before the normal cocoon <servlet-mapping> entry -->

        Your classes can go in WEB-INF/classes


 Dr. Everett (Skip) Carter      Phone: 831-641-0645 FAX:  831-641-0647
 Taygeta Scientific Inc.        INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1340 Munras Ave., Suite 314    WWW: http://www.taygeta.com
 Monterey, CA. 93940            

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