Why don't forget that you need Jakarta POI to output to Excel or the 
HSSF Serializer for Cocoon.  ;-)


Vegan Portal wrote:

>Hi Andreas,
> --- Andreas Hochsteger
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >
>>* UML Modeling:
>>  ArgoUML (http://argouml.tigris.org/)
>>* Version Control System:
>>  CVS (http://www.cvshome.org/)
>>  Subversion (http://subversion.tigris.org/) (!!!)
>>* IDE:
>>  Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org/)
>>  Netbeans (http://www.netbeans.org/)
>>* Job Scheduling:
>>  Quartz (http://www.part.net/quartz.html)
>>* Workflow Management (continued):
>>  OSWorkflow
>>* Search Engine:
>>  Apache Lucene (http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/)
>>* Regression Testing:
>>  JUnit (http://www.junit.org/)
>>  JXUnit (http://jxunit.sourceforge.net/)
>>  JMeter (http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter)
>>* Build Framework:
>>  Ant (http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/)
>>  Krysalis Centipede
>>* Project Site Management:
>>  Apache Forrest (http://xml.apache.org/forrest/)
>Thank you for jumping in!
>Almost all of your proposals I know already, some are
>on my (getting long) task list to download and test
>out. All are probably of great use to establish open
>source based development company. I've kept them out
>in my initial post, because it would be twice that
>long mentioning them.
>Some Remarks:
>ArgoUML seems to be dead as open source, evolving to
>free and/or commercial Poseidon edtions available at
>www.gentleware.com. Nevertheless, it is probably the
>most evolved (almost) freely available UML engine with
>some very interesting features (critiques, for
>example) not available elsewhere. Even in free
>edition, it produces XMI, that could be further
>processed with open source to generate DB, EJBs and
>documentation. That's why I've mentioned it. Getting
>little angry here, I just don't understand why open
>www.omg.org specifications don't go also open or free
>regarding their implementation in leading products
>like Together, Rational or Embarcadero, just to get
>more customers for consulting, the key concept behind
>sale of open source. That's why I recommend free yer
>lame Poseidon, because I think the UML-based
>engineering is of great use in almost every serious
>Regarding Lucene, I'm definitely eager to use it as
>advanced search engine in Cocoon, I hope it easy to be
>I had not to do any testing so far, but I'll
>definitelly have to look at engines proposed from you
>above, regarding how far are they able to benchmark
>various possible Cocoon configurations and placement
>inside oher frmeworks.
>>If I find some more projects in my huge unmanaged
>>link mail folder I'll let 
>>you know ;-)
>Well, I thought I'm quite experienced with actual open
>source roadmap, but I see there are many applications
>I was not aware of, so keep on posting your proposals,
>possibly with short comment on them.
>Eager for your next responses,
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