> >But if you use schema-based storage, you can have your XML 
> internally 
> >stored
> >into SQL tables. And XPath queries are rewritten (yes yes!) into
> >corresponding
> >SQL equivalent.
> That's on the feature list, but is it implemented yet? If so, 
> where? In XSU?

Oracle 9iR2 (yes R2 makes the difference).

> The only examples I can find on this are ones where the table 
> has already 
> been defined and you're just loading a chunk of XML. That 
> doesn't seem like 
> "schema-based" storage, as Oracle isn't even touching the DTD 
> or XSD. It's 
> just doing a direct mapping of an XML document into an object.

Either the mapping is deduced from the schema.
Or you can annotate the schema in order to customize the mapping
(providing tables names, column names, SQL types).

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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