

I have a "A" with a circumflexe accent onto that appears in my xml output...

Barbara Post
instead of
Barbara Post.

I use UTF-8 encoding everywhere.

The problem comes from getting info from sunRise context :

In the browser (IE 5.5) I have :

<fullname>Barbara Post</fullname>

when I look at the source I see :
<fullname>Barbara Post</fullname>

xml encoding of this is of course UTF-8.

When I wrote into <fullname> tag I used :

     <xsl:value-of select="firstname"/>&#160;<xsl:value-of select="name"/>

What is wrong ? Is there a bug in sunShine transformer ? Or maybe I have to
something ?
I have the same problem when request parameters contain spaces in their

Thanks a lot. Gotta have lunch...


PS :
On the contrary, another page gets info from the session context and here I
see &nbsp; in the html output.... (added  <xsl:output method="html"
encoding="iso-8859-1"/> in the xsl but it does not solve my problem yet).

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