I'm trying to build a form in Cocoon.

My first question: I'm a complete newbie concerning forms (meaning passing
the parameter in GET/POST requests and all that stuff), but I'm getting to
know Cocoon better. Should I first work my way through forms in a "neutral"
environnement, or is it not more difficult to start writing them directly in
Cocoon, using xsp and actions etc.?

My second: In the pipeline below (which I copied from the samples), I
couldn't figure out what the parameter name "view-source" does. In the
transformer documentation, there's no reference to this one. Can anybody
help me with this?

Thanks in advance

<map:match pattern="forms/*">
     <map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/samples/forms/{1}.xsp"/>
     <map:transform src="stylesheets/dynamic-page2html.xsl">
        <map:parameter name="view-source"

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