Ramy Mamdouh wrote:
> Hello Carsten,
> It seems I don't have any problems in my coplets.
> And to be sure, I just tried to remove the "raw" sub-protocol from the
> sample portal (Sunsoptdemo), and it didn't work as well, giving the same
> message ("The coplet is currently not available") in the coplets I
> removed the "raw" from its definition.
> here what I've done :
> <resource uri="cocoon:raw:/sunspotdemosunlet-onlinesundn.xml"/>
> changed to
> <resource uri="cocoon:/sunspotdemosunlet-onlinesundn.xml"/>
> Also, a tiny error in the log
> ERROR   (2002-08-21) 15:57.25:601   [core.portal-manager]
> (/last/samples/portal/sunspotdemo-portlets) Thread-13/CopletThread:
> Exception during processing of coplet: sundnnews
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Relative cocoon: URIs currently
> not supported.
>     at
Ahh, great, you found a bug! - Ok, I will try to fix it asap - so
currently you don't have a choice: you have to use cocoon:raw until
the bug is fixed.


> org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.connector.Resource.<init>(Resour
> ce.java:93)
>     at
> org.apache.cocoon.webapps.portal.components.CopletThread.run(Cople
> tThread.java:157)
>     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
> Currently, to come over this problem, I use the "cocoon:raw:" but with
> adding a little action that store certain parameters in session for the
> coplets, but clearly that would be overkill if the requests should be
> available to the coplets.
> You have any ideas about that?
> And thanks for the quick info about the "raw" subprotocol.
> Best Regards.
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> >Ramy Mamdouh wrote:
> >
> >>Yes, I'm using the internal protocol ( cocoon:raw:/ ) in getting my
> >>coplets displayed.
> >>But when I changed to cocoon:/ without the raw, the portal displays the
> >>("The content is not avilable now") message !
> >>
> >>Here's one of my coplets defintion.
> >>
> >><coplet id="menu">
> >>             <resource uri="cocoon:raw:/menu"/>
> >>                 <configuration>
> >>                       <mandatory>true</mandatory>
> >>                       <sizable>flase</sizable>
> >>                       <active>true</active>
> >>                    <timeout>5000</timeout>
> >>                </configuration>
> >>                <title>Menu</title>
> >>                <status>
> >>                    <customize>false</customize>
> >>                    <visible>true</visible>
> >>                    <size>max</size>
> >>                </status>
> >></coplet>
> >>
> >>where "menu" is a normal pipeline.
> >>
> >>Does the change from "cocoon:raw:/" to "cocoon:/" requires any other
> >>changes, maybe in the coplet pipeline?
> >>
> >Hmmm, usually not - but without raw: all parameters that where send
> >to the main pipeline are send to the coplet as well, perhaps there is
> >a problem?
> >
> >>Actually, I don't know exactly what "raw" adds to "cocoon:" as a
> >>protocol, and I didn't find any information regarding this point (even
> >>in your very nice book with Matthew).
> >>
> >;) - Yes, the cocoon:raw protocol is very new and was added to Cocoon
> >after we wrote the book, so....
> >The one and only distinction is, that with the subprotocol "raw" no
> >request parameters are passed on to the called internal pipeline and
> >without "raw" all are passed.
> >
> >Carsten
> >
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> --
> Ramy Mamdouh Kamel
> Software Engineer
> Ute Imkenberg
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