On 28.Aug.2002 -- 10:48 AM, Tuomo Lesonen wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Christian Haul wrote:
> > On 28.Aug.2002 -- 10:07 AM, Tuomo Lesonen wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > How can I count the rows in my resultset? I'm using esql, but
> > > <esql:row-count/> doesn't seem to be implemented yet. SQL COUNT(*) doesn't
> > > work in this case either. Can I do this with XSP?
> >
> > Yes, have a new var declared before the execute-query and ++ it in
> > your row-results
> >
> Thank you Chris, but in this case I need to know the number of rows
> _before_ I do <esql:row-results>, in order to produce the right data.

Tuomo, there is nothing in the JDBC API that provides this data that
I'm aware of. There are certainly vendor specific procedures to get
this information.

However, most of the time the output needs to be limited, in order to
page through the data. This is supported by esql.

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