On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Christian Haul wrote:

> On 28.Aug.2002 -- 01:29 PM, Tuomo Lesonen wrote:
> > Time to take out some heavier arms. Since I only need to
> > get "id" and "name"
> > from my table, I'm placing these pairs in a hashtable inside
> > <esql:row-results/>. Then I have a nice hashtable, which I iterate through
> > later on. hashtables "size()" method gives the rowCount.
> Tuomo, please tell us more about your XSP. I'm sure, someone will be
> able to suggest a better solution than this. But we need to understand
> the task.

My XSP page needs to output certain XML tags if there are _more than one_
row in the resultset. If there's more than one, a different XML node is
created using the information in the rows. More precisely, If there are more than
one row, I create a (X)HTML select list, and a line of text in case of one

> > BUT: How to implement "Enumeration" interface in XSP in order to use the
> > "keys()"  method of the Hashtable object? (I'm pretty new to Java, so
> > there's probably a convinient way of doing this..)
> You need to put your inenr class before the <page> element.

Is there such a class? I thought "Enumeration" is an interface, and cannot
be included with <xsp:include> ? Little confused here... :-|


>       Chris.
> --
> C h r i s t i a n       H a u l
>     fingerprint: 99B0 1D9D 7919 644A 4837  7D73 FEF9 6856 335A 9E08
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