Barbara Post wrote:
> Hi, I finally may use 2.1 version but need to know : are the main
> components
> in use in 2.0.3 version still stable ? New components may be less stable,
> ok.
This is not easy to anser. Most main components are still stable in 2.1,
but some core components have changed - and most of them are stable, too.
But there seems to be some minor problems in the current caching
implementation of 2.1 - which should be fixed soon - the more people try
out 2.1, the more bugs are found, the stabler it gets.

> What is the difference between 2.1-dev and 2.1 beta ? What's missing today
> from cvs-head ?
There are no real plans for 2.1 beta yet.

> What about sunRise, is it as stable as in 2.0.3 ? There is a NPE
> with 2.0.3,
> jdk 1.3.1 and sunrise-lougout action...
I think sunRise, sunSpot and also the SourceWritingTransformer are more
stable in 2.1 than in 2.0.3.

> Thanks a lot (I want to use SourceWritingTransformer so rather moving now
> than recompiling Cocoon-2.0.3.jar ?). And there are new
> functionalities that
> may help myself too...

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