I've got a situation where I've got to pass a bunch of parameters with
unknown names from a (Cocoon generated) HTML form through an action to a
standard Cocoon pipeline.  There are certain parameters I don't want to pass
on to the stylesheet so I can't use 

               <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>

However, I can, in my action selectively not copy the unwanted parameters
into the map (since they have well defined names).  The issue is, how do I
then pass these onto the transform from the from the sitemap? Normally, I'd
do something like:

                  <map:parameter name="gunk_data_id"

to pass on individual parameters.  In this case, since I don't know all the
parameter names I can't do that.  I basically want to say, pass all the
parameters in the map returned from the action onto the transform (the
equivalent of use-action-parameters perhaps?)

Peter Hunsberger

Phone: 901-495-5252

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