Alan Hodgkinson wrote:

> I'm trying to implement and integrate my own logic sheet and
> am having trouble deploying it. I suspect that the problem
> is related to the href that defines the buildit-logicsheet
> in cocoon.xconf.
> I've exhausted all the tips from similar problems that I found in
> the mail archives.

And noticed a recent, similar mail where it mentions that logicsheets 
have 'stopped working'.

Could this be related?

> Perhaps one of you gurus could help.

Yup.. definitely gonna need a guru. Even if it's just to find the 
dumb mistake that _I_ made.
> My environment is:
> - CVS head (as of 11-Sep-2002)

I updated to the latest CVS head. (Logging seems slightly better, 

> - Toomcat 4.0.1
> - JDK 1.3.0rc1-b17.

I have been trying again to solve this by creating a jar file and
referencing it using "resouce://ch/softxs/cocoon/lop.xsl" in 
cocoon.xconf. I then placed the jar file in WEB-INF/lib in my
application directory ( $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/tc ). Is that what 
we're supposed to do?

In any case, it didn't work either. But now it reports errors
corresponding to what is in the lop.xsl file, which means that
the cocoon.xconf is at least functioning (though it quite 
irritating that the context: and file: protocols don't work as
documented, because I have to restart cocoon after every change)

I notice in the logs the following error:

  ERROR   (2002-09-24) 19:48.44:261   [core.xslt-processor]
  HttpProcessor[8080][4]/TraxErrorHandler: Error in TraxTransformer:   
  resource://ch/softxs/cocoon/lop.xsl; Line 7; Column 59; 
  ; SystemID: resource://ch/softxs/cocoon/lop.xsl; Line#: 7; Column#: 59
  javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: stylesheet requires

Which I presume is refering to initial tag <xsl:stylesheet>. Well, I do
have a version="1.0" in that tag. See below..

> Relevant file extracts follow:
> ------------------------------
> The xsp page: lop-select.xsp
>   <xsp:page
>     language="java"
>     xmlns:xsp="";
>     xmlns:esql="";
>     xmlns:lop="";
>   >
>   <select>
>     <lop:db-option-list
>         connection="timetracker"
>         table="Projects"
>         value-field="projectId"
>         text-field="name"/>
>   </select>
>   </xsp:page>
> The logicsheet: lop.xsl
>   <!-- $Id$ -->
Added the following line: (is it required at the start of XSP and XSL

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

>   <xsp:styesheet version="1.0"
>     xmlns:xsl="";
>     xmlns:xsp="";
>     xmlns:esql="";
>     xmlns:lop="";>
>   <!-- Copy everything that doesn't get matched below -->
>   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
>     <xsl:copy>
>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
>     </xsl:copy>
>   </xsl:template>
>   <!--
>     Insert lame content, to test deployment and
>     eliminate possible logicsheet XSLT errors
>    -->
>   <xsl:template match="lop:db-option-list">
>     <got-it/>
>   </xsl:template>
>   </xsl:stylesheet>
> >From sitemap.xmsp: The request used to test is: 'select-lop.html'
>   <map:match pattern="*-select.html">
>     <map:generate type="serverpages" src="xsp/{1}-select.xsp"/>
>     <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>   </map:match>

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