Barbara Post wrote:

>just an idea : you have your xml file, you transform it with xslt, and your
>stylesheet calls some java beans you use through xalan java extension. have
>a look on Apache's xalan-j page.
>Globally : you have a namespace for "java",
>you use your beans this way :
><xsl:variable name="mybean"><xsl:value-of
>then to call a function :
><xsl:value-of select="myfunction($mybean,$arg0,$arg1)"/>
>given that the parameters (arguments) are defined as xsl variables.
>HTH but this is sometimes VERY useful because java is roughly quicker to
>execute that xslt...

It worth considering writing own transformer then. By example of session 
transformer, SQL, LDAP, etc.


>My 2 cents ;-)
>website :
>ICQ : 135868405
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Daniel Pfuhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 7:11 PM
>Subject: action as input for a generator ??
>>imagine the following scenario:
>>i have an xml-src which i have to enrich with
>>elements depending on the input document. with other
>>words the input xml will scale my process. in this
>>process i have to call different methods not driven
>>by cocoon but another underlaying system.
>>so i was thinking of using an action which will take
>>the input src and after processing it, it will return
>>the final document for transformation and
>>controled by the sitemap.
>>now my question(s):
>>is it possible to use an action as the input for
>>a generator or do i have to write my own generator?
>>i also thought of xsp, but i think it is to complex
>>to do it this way. i want to separate the logic which
>>processes the input as an autonomic module.
>>fyi: before i only used actions to manage formdata,
>>manipulating xml-files depending on formdata. but now
>>i have no real file i can write to - so i have to
>>manipulate it to transform and serialize it directly
>>it would be very nice if somebody could give me an
>>advice how a solution can look like!!
>>thanks in advance !!

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