Hi Michael,

The default generator (file) can do URL as well.

What I've done is wrote a servlet called XMLServlet that generates some simple
XML, then add the following to the sitemap.xmap:

        <map:match pattern="reports/*">
                <map:generate src="http://<host_name>/XMLServlet?{1}"/>
                <map:transform src="StandardReportWeb.xsl" type="xslt"/>
                <map:serialize type="html"/>

This works well for me.

Good luck!


> Hi,
> I am new with Cocoon and havn't done a lot with servlets yet.
> My prblem is that I want to process the output of one servlet
> with cocoon. How do I connect them? 
> Is the request generator the correct or the stream generator?
> Any suggestions?
> thank you very much for your efforts,
> kindest regards,
> michael
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