What is the correct way of doing it?
I am new to cocoon too, but I see here serialization and deserialization
done perhaps unnecessary.
If the servlet used a DOMXML object to represent the outermost data, and
then serialized it to give it to cocoon, it is a waste.
Is there anyway to have the servlet give an XMLobject to the cocoon pipeline
instead of a character-stream?

In my case, I am used to WebMacro, that is similar to Velocity from apache.
In this architecture (more or less), the servlet receives a request, and
then processes an action (like searching something in the database) and then
puts objects in a hashtable (like a collection of javabeans representing the
query result) and then invokes a template. The template can use the objects
passed to the hashtable by specifying $keyname.method() for example. It has
primitive logic directives as iteration, if-then-else, and a set statement
in order to modify variables (this way you are forced to code well, since
most of the logic must be in a java class, not in the template). This output
then can be sent to the response stream, or to a file or to wherever you
like (but 99% of the time you set it to the response).

I like this architecture, and I would like to mix it with cocoon. So I
suppose that instead of WebMacro, I should be doing similar things with an
xsp, so that instead of a stream of characters I get as output an XMLobject
to introduce into the pipeline.

Does anybody have a simple starter example of how to do this? Because I like
to decide the final pipeline (decide the template) from the servlet. As far
as I could see, the usual way is to have a fixed pipeline map.

Also, I need to get hold of the final xmlobject from the pipeline (instead
of serializing it to the response) since I have to put this xml in a SOAP
message as the final result (not a webbrowser).
So what I need cocoon to be, is an invisible module that I put objects to it
in some hashtable as input and a template name (or map ref, as you like),
and gives me magically as output (after a pipeline of transformations with
automatic-caching, etc) a nice XMLobject. Then with it I do what I like (for
example put it in a soap message response/request or even put it back in a
cocoon-pipeline of transformations get yet another xmlobject).

Perhaps I am lost, since I managed to make cocoon2 work just today, on my
tomcat 4.1.2 container on jdk1.4 I was told to look for a manifest file
entry problem or rather unpack the war (I went with the second choice and
was just fine). Thanks to Vadim!!

Well, I hope someone did this style of programming.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 10:57
Subject: Re: Servlet-Ouput as Cocoon-Input

> Hi Michael,
> The default generator (file) can do URL as well.
> What I've done is wrote a servlet called XMLServlet that generates some
> XML, then add the following to the sitemap.xmap:
> <map:match pattern="reports/*">
> <map:generate src="http://<host_name>/XMLServlet?{1}"/>
> <map:transform src="StandardReportWeb.xsl" type="xslt"/>
> <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> This works well for me.
> Good luck!
> Paul
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am new with Cocoon and havn't done a lot with servlets yet.
> > My prblem is that I want to process the output of one servlet
> > with cocoon. How do I connect them?
> >
> > Is the request generator the correct or the stream generator?
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > thank you very much for your efforts,
> >
> > kindest regards,
> > michael
> >
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