HI Leona,

lrs wrote:
> Hi Joerg,
> From: "Joerg Heinicke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Hello Leona,
>>we use SVG generated PNGs at www.ekommunen.de too and the serialization
>>is really fast except the very first request on a SVG serializer. I
>>guess this is because of the first instantiation of Batik, but maybe
>>somebody can say something more about this. Is it really a problem if
>>the very first user accessing the very first time the site has to wait
>>some seconds more?
> It wouldn't be so bad if it was just the first user, but in our
> architecture,
> every user is running Tomcat and Cocoon, thus every user is also a
> first user! I'll have to do some research on Batik, but hints would be
> welcome.

Then it's a bit more important of course, but I can't help anymore. 
There *must* be some specialists on batik on this list.

>>Maybe therefore you can optimize your sitemap or the XSLT. For example
>>you are passing the request parameters and some other parameters to the
>>stylesheets, which prevents effective caching. Stylesheets are cached in
>>combination with passed parameters. We changed this by storing such
>>parameters in an extra XML, which is aggregated in the sitemap. So there
>>is really only one instance of the stylesheet in the cache.
> Are you talking about storing the parameters in an XML file? What I
> think I really need is the concept of a session object that can pass
> parameters between pages.

Yes. We have a huge layout.xsl, which really must efficiently be cached. 
Therefore the XML it is transforming is an aggregation of the XML file 
itself and a little XML file, which is created via XSP and contains some 
parameterization. But if the latter accessing of an SVG generated image 
is not that problem, maybe it's not that important.

>>And the third point: You have a template creating an <add_image/>
>>element and one matching one them. Hmm, I can only guess, but are you
>>storing <add_image/> in a Result Tree Fragment, which you convert back
>>to a node set and apply a template to it? If it is so, maybe there are
>>better processings possible.
> <add_image/> generates the HTML output which goes to the serializer.
> In general the Cocoon/XML/Java parts perform well. I am new to Cocoon,
> so, of course, there is room for improvement, but it really is the svg
> processing
> that slows it down the first time.

Hmm, I still don't exactly understand, in which way you are doing it, 
but the same like above: maybe not so important.

Sorry, that I can't help you more.



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