I played around with fo for the first time yesterday and ran into the
same thing.  Turns out if I enclosed everything after <fo:flow
flow-name="xsl-region-body"> with an <fo:block>, and then also enclosed
anything within an fo:cell with <fo:block> things worked out fine.  

-----Original Message-----
From: James Ashton [mailto:jamesashton@;yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 7:42 AM
Subject: Problems rendering PDF dynamically, but identical fop xml works
fine when sent straight to serializer

Been doing some fairly sophisticated XML > FO

However,  when I try to view the finished PDF, The Acrobat
reader reports this error in the status bar:

"An error has occurred while trying to use this document."

What is interesting is that if I serialize FO to xml rather
than using fo2pdf, then the FO works fine.  If I save the
XML and create a new pipeline entry to render that saved
xml as a pdf using fo2pdf then it works.
So the transformation seems to be OK, and rendering static
XML as PDFs is OK.

Has anyone experienced similar problems - and if so how did
you resolve it ??

Please Help Me ,


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