Hi Antonio,
I've been trying hard to get this esql sample to work.
The tag works perfectly.
<user><xsp-session:getxml context="authentication" path="/authentication/ID"/></user>
returns the userID in my xsp page. So there is nothing wrong with the class or the session.xsl file.

However, I need to create a query containing the userID. I think I went through the whole book of exceptions in Cocoon. :-(
When I try it the way you describe below, I get an error saying "method parseInt() not found in class java.lang.Integer". I guess this means nothing is returned and the parseInt can't convert.
I've tried all kind of combinations and always get an error.
Here's what I've got now (doesn't work of course):

<esql:query>SELECT * FROM members WHERE ID=<xsp-session:getxml context="authentication" path="/authentication/ID" as="string"/></esql:query>

What am I missing here????


P.S. Using Cocoon 2.1 build of 14 May 2002, Tomcat 4.0.1, JDK 1.3.1_2

At 05:54 8/10/2002 -0600, you wrote:
Another usage of this tag is to set the parameters of a query based on the is
in <esql:query> see the example:

SELECT usr_name, usr_full_name, usr_password FROM users
WHERE usr_id =
<esql:parameter type="int">
<xsp-session:getxml context="authentication" path="/authentication/ID"

Antonio Gallardo

El Martes, 08 de Octubre de 2002 05:43, Antonio Gallardo Rivera escribió:
> Hi, I recently needed to write some app logi usin <xsp:logic> tags. Into
> tags we need to write some code like:
> String myUserID = <xsp-session:getxml context="authentication"
> path="/authentication/ID" as="string"/>;
> Then, I updated <xsp-session:getxml> to serve strings.
> Currently the attribute "as" of the element can have 3 values:
> 1-as="object" (default) returns a org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment object. More
> info at
> http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/javadocs/api/org/w3c/dom/DocumentFragment.h
> 2-as="xml" return the DocumentFragment into <xsp-session:xml> tags.
> 3- return the value of the firstchild of the requested node. Example: If we
> have:
> <ID>MyID</ID>
> <role>MyRole</role>
> <data>
> <fullname>TheFullName</fullname>
> A) Then if we write:
> <xsp-session:getxml context="authentication" path="/authentication/ID"
> as="string"/>
> will return "MyID"
> B) <xsp-session:getxml context="authentication"
> path="/authentication/data/fullname" as="string"/>
> will return: "TheFullName"
> Attached is the new session.xsl the place of this file is:
> xml-cocoon2/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/markup/xsp/java
> Antonio Gallardo

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