I think you have some options in Cocoon:

- Use the castortransformer to transform the resulting data from a bean to
XML. (and then process it additionally with XSL).
- Use the velocity generator to get data from a value-object result from an
- Write a jxpath transformer (is probably allready available as part of the
xmlforms solution) to get data from a value-object in xml.

In all solutions you probably have to get the result from an EJB in an
action class and put it in the request object. Other possibilities would be
to output your bean data in XSP, that would probably mean writing a lot of
code, or to adapt the xmlforms solution to use EJB's. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Collet
Sent: 25-10-2002 12:06 
Subject: Cocoon and EJB

I'm investigating the possibility to use Cocoon 2 for
a big corporate app.
I have a doubt whether it is possible (and easy :) to
fetch data from EJB (connected to a DB) and produce
HTML pages from both XML/XSL documents and these data.

Does it fit into the Cocoon pipeline architecture
Would it imply writing my own transformers/generators?

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