> Before I go tracking down the problem the hard way,
> can you tell me if
> these instructions are wrong?

I'm pretty sure you need a leading slash:
/WEB-INF/my.roles.  I don't know whether this would
cause the specific error you're seeing.  Search the
archives for user-roles: a few different people have
been through this recently.

Geoff Howard

> 1. edited one line of cocoon.xconf to read:
>       <cocoon version="2.0"
> user-roles="WEB-INF/my.roles">
> 2. created a file called WEB-INF/my.roles which I
> copied from
> src/java/org/apache/cocoon/cocoon.roles (first I
> tried copy&pasting the
> example from the FAQ, but that didn't work either)

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