On Saturday 09 November 2002 21:33, Miles Elam wrote:
> Antonio A. Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> >Kjetil Kjernsmo dijo:
> >>On Thursday 07 November 2002 23:57, Tony Collen wrote:
> >>>However, later I realize that using file extensions is "bad". 
> >>> Read http://www.alistapart.com/stories/slashforward/ for more
> >>> info on this idea.
> >
> >I know about that. The theory is fine, but in the real world... Are
> > you tried to open a PDF file without the .pdf extension with MS IE
> > 6.0 SP1?

No, I have barely touched IE since 3.0.

> > It does not work. MS IE relays mainly on the extension of
> > the file to open a pdf file. 

What?!? What you're saying is that IE is ignoring the content-type? 
That's just incredibly silly... 

> How we can address this? I already
> > know that Carsten and Mathew in his book dont recommend the use of
> > extension and I agree. But how we can tell MS Internet Explorer
> > about that?
> PDF isn't IE's normal method of receiving information (ease of use
> with Acrobat aside).  If you specifically want the PDF
> representation, specify *.pdf.  If what you want is the resource,
> then you aren't asking specifically for PDF.  If all you have is PDF
> and PDF is the only representation, then having your URL specify that
> you are serving PDF hurts no one and corrupts no URLs.

Yes it does! What representation is chosen should only depend on the 
Accept header, and what the UA should do with a file it receives should 
have nothing to do with the filename whatsoever, it should be based on 
the Content-Type-header in the response, solely. It's been a while 
since I read the HTTP 1.1 spec, but IIRC, it is pretty clearly spelled 
out there. It should only depend on the MIME-type. On the server and 
client sides, separately, how it is done is of no concern of anybody, 
but that the client depends on what file extension the server uses has 
to be a violation of the spec, again IIRC. 

During content negotation, an extensionless URL should be responded to 
with 200 if the server has a representation which is acceptable 
according to the client's Accept*-headers, with a Location-header 
saying where to find the best file, and that file may well have a .pdf 
extension. If no appropriate representation is found, the server should 
respond with 406. 



Kjetil Kjernsmo
Astrophysicist/IT Consultant/Skeptic/Ski-orienteer/Orienteer/Mountaineer
Homepage: http://www.kjetil.kjernsmo.net/

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