Sylvain Wallez wrote:
It SHOULD be possible to just unpack the cocoon.war file from the binary distribution, cd to WEB-INF/lib and run:Alessio Sangalli wrote:I tried to unzip the jar, to go directly inside and call Main.class from its own dir, etcYou should set the correct class path ;-)
what can I do...!
Look at the stack trace : one of the first classes loaded from Avalon by Cocoon can't be found. That's because your classpath is set to "." and so includes only Cocoon's own classes (guessing you start this from the "build/classes" directory).
Hope this helps,
java -jar cocoon-2.0.3.jar
However, the Manifest in the JAR is wrong, since it contains:
Class-Path: avalon-framework-4.1.2.jar avalon-excalibur-4.1.jar batik-
libs-1.1.1.jar bsf-2.2.jar fop-0.20.3rc.jar jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar js
tyle.jar logkit-1.0.1.jar rhino-1.5r3.jar xalan-2.3.1.jar xercesImpl-
2.0.0.jar xml-apis.jar xt-19991105.jar
But the versions of the libraries are not those. For instance, it should be avalon-framework-20020627.jar instead.
Maybe the simplest solution is to extract the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file from the JAR, fix it and update the JAR with the correct version.
Ugo Cei -
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