It seems to be a sort of templating system. They include a fair amount of bs including:

"XSP is the only Web development technology where the logic is stored separately from the presentation layer."

"XSP technology transcends the limitations of the presentation layer technology available with the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)."

They actually dismiss XSL. Not sure if they are targetting XSLT, XSL-FO, or both. This makes me think that it's not the same "technology", although it's hard to tell, as you say.


Christopher Watson wrote:

Someone else is using the name XSP and XML Server Pages,
and as far as I can tell gives no mention of Apache or Cocoon
I'm not sure from what I've seen whether it's the same technology ...

Thought we all should know

Look at

or as mentioned on p59 of Java Developer's
Journal Oct 2002 Vol 7 No 10


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