
If you're doing the SQL queries in a custom component (generator, transformer) you can use Cocoon's caching system. Have you class implement Cachable, and in the generateValidity() method you can return an object with the last modification date of the database.

see :

and the API docs for Cachable and CacheValidity.


On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 03:37 AM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Dear All,

I have a set of related Tables in MySQL, which are used to build part of a site I am working on.

We use SQL because of the related nature of the data, rather than any great need for dynamics.

My SQL queries are broken down into 'components' which are CIncluded into my documents from internal pipelines. Usually there are several components that use SQL queries in each document. (It is done this way to isolate the implementation of components from their useage as well as from the main sitemap).

The data seldom changes ..... is there any way I can force the internal pipelines to cache, without using the tricks like browser caching via the 'expires' header on the external pipeline?

Thanks for any suggestions.

regards Jeremy

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