I've been using XYbrix (http://www.jbrix.org/kits/xybrix/overview.html) to edit xml files for some time and find it quite easy to use.
IIUC it uses xforms stuff to make the forms, and it's all GUI.
The license is apache compatible, so maybe it could help.

my 2c

Scott Warren wrote:

An easy way that I have achieved this is to generate an XML document that has all the information (Java Bean properties + code, Form Elements etc) then I created a number of XSL Documents that take the XML doc and produce the JavaBean code, XMLForm.XSP, Validation Descriptor.XML etc. Then all you need to do is change the layout of the XMLForm as needed...... I use Ant to generate the files from the XML but you can use a Cocoon pipleine to generate the files.

Hope this helps

Scott Warren

Senhaji wrote:


I've just finished playing with the XMLForm wizard example. I've learned a
lot of good concepts such as the separation between the content, the
presentation and the validation in the form building process. After that, I
started looking for an XMLForm builder that would help me speed up the form
building process. But without success! How can I explain to the management
that even building a simple Form with C2 will take ~3 days of development?
not easy -).

It could be very nice if from a form builder one can generate all the
necessary files for C2 (JavaBeans, XSL for transforming XMLForm widget to
HTML or whatever widget, XSL for the form layout, XML schema for

Are there any works in this area ?

Thanks in advance,


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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