> I'd recommend getting the soap-server sample working in the Cocoon
> webapp (remember to use the -Dinclude.scratchpad.libs=yes directive)
> and then start modifying it to do what you need.
Ok, I'll try it.

> I need to think about writing a CocoonProvider or similar for the
> AxisRPCReader to allow one to specify a pipeline in the deployment
> descriptor for creating the SOAP service content.... hmmm...
Yummm...this sounds really interesting :-)

> You can always send in the error messages you're getting and we
> can look at them,
Don't mind about them. I'm having a hard time at work currently and
unfortunately don't have the time to test this properly...
Anyway, once I get a little time, I'll try to build the scratchpad samples
and see what happens. I'll post my comments then.

Thank you very much.

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