Thank you for your help.
I am downloading CVS now. I will try to compile it twice as you said.
Only one very stupid question:
How can I update the CVS in xml-cocoon2 directory instead of downloading the
new CVS files every time from scratch?
This must be very simple, but I can't figure it out.
I am using WinCVS (v1.2) to download the CVS (working from Windows)

Thank you in advance.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Antonio Gallardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Problem compiling Cocoon


I recently download the C2.1 CVS and everything is compiling and working

I am using Red Hat Linux 8.0, Java 1.4.1_01, Tomcat 4.1.15 (alpha).

Please try to download again and before make changes, try to build the CVS
version first.

I prefer to build two times. I dont know if still there is a problem that
you can not run somethings without compiling 2 times. Some tips:

1-cd /$HOME/CVS/cocoon/xml-cocoon2/
2-Update the CVS
3- ./ clean
4- ./ -Dinclude.webapp.libs=true -Dinclude.scratchpad.libs=true
5- ./ -Dinclude.webapp.libs=true -Dinclude.scratchpad.libs=true
-Dinstall.war="$HOME/route/to/jakarta-tomcat/webapps" installwar

I hope it will help.


Antonio Gallardo.

Anna Afonchenko dijo:
> Do you mean that I need to download another version of CVS (say, from
> today)?
> I also want to do a few changes to the source code before recompiling (I
> want to add some Jtidy methods to HTMLGenerator - is it OK to do that?)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antonio Gallardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 9:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Problem compiling Cocoon
> I saw also some changes in I am working on the yesterday CVS
> 2.1 and there eerything work fine. I will try the lastest CVS today.
> Regards,
> Antonio Gallardo
> Jacob L E Blain Christen dijo:
>> i just recompiled from cvs and am getting the same error.
>> i'm looking into if i can decipher where a config propery seems
>> to be required to get my install running again. seems as if someone
>> made some changes to the java sources but didn't check in the
>> commensurate config changes ("cvs update" only updated some
>> java sources).
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