I've had connection pooling working fine in the past, but ended up not
using it.  Today I went through setting it up again and I've hit a dead

The query I've put in an XML file using esql tags is not executing.  The
only hint I have is what appears in the cocoon
webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/logs/error.log.000001 file.  These error appear on
attempt to processes the xml and not before.

I know the connection is logged into the database server, I can see it.
So I know my JDBC driver can be found and that it's parameters are
correct.  I hope someone can offer an idea as to what could be wrong,

Tomcat 4.0.4
Cocoon 2.0.3
Java   1.3.0

Here's the cocoon error file.

ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:024   [sitemap.generator.velocity]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/VelocityGenerator:
ResourceManager : unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm' in any
resource loader.
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:067   [sitemap.generator.velocity]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/VelocityGenerator:
ResourceManager : unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm' in any
resource loader.
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:125   [sitemap.generator.xmldb]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBGenerator: There was
a problem setting up the connection
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:126   [sitemap.generator.xmldb]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBGenerator: Make sure
that your driver is available
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:134   [sitemap.generator.xmldb]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBGenerator: There was
a problem setting up the connection
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:135   [sitemap.generator.xmldb]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBGenerator: Make sure
that your driver is available
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:150   [sitemap.generator.xmldbcollection]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBCollectionGenerator:
There was a problem setting up the connection
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:151   [sitemap.generator.xmldbcollection]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBCollectionGenerator:
Make sure that your driver is available
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:158   [sitemap.generator.xmldbcollection]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBCollectionGenerator:
There was a problem setting up the connection
ERROR   (2002-11-29) 08:45.13:158   [sitemap.generator.xmldbcollection]
(/cocoon/mp3Status.html) HttpProcessor[8080][4]/XMLDBCollectionGenerator:
Make sure that your driver is available

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