Hi there,

I want static files (images, js, css) be served by the web server (apache
port 80).

I have found a FAQ "How can I improve performance by making the web-server
deliver the static contents?" which partly answers this questions.

I have successfully followed steps 1 and 2.

However, the third list item  "3. Reference the static contents in your
Cocoon app ..." is not clear at all to me.  What am I supposed to do

My XSLT stylesheet produces HTML output where, for example all images
paths are created as "/rules/img/[imgname].gif".  Thus, I have created a
<map:match> element as this:

    <map:match pattern="/rules/img/*.gif">
     <map:call resource="resource_images">
      <map:parameter name="target" value="{1}"/>

Ok, then I have created this resources snippet which I thought should be
called when the pattern is matched:

   <map:resource name="resource_images">
    <map:generate src="/rules/img/{target}.gif"/>

However, the url of an image is still "localhost:8080/rules/img/[image].gif"

So, I guess this is the wrong approach.  Anybody?

Thanks in advance,


Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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