On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 05:52 PM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

On Tuesday, Dec 3, 2002, at 15:31 Europe/London, leo leonid wrote:

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 03:34 PM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Hi All

Can anyone advise me on getting this complicated setup right?

Many thanks for any help

I had a very similar situation, I solved it by regarding the suffix. In my Apache DocumentRoot are all directories with static content. I only mount the following

JkMount / worker2
JkMount /*.html worker2
JkMount /*.xml worker2

Is 'JK2' the best one to be using now?
I am a bit confused between mod_webapp (warp) and JK[n] TBH.

I actually use JK1.2 ajp13 connector (works fine with Jetty, too)

I formerly used mod_webapp, which is simple to setup, but less flexible in managing the urispace. Apart from this it does not support load-balancing and has it has turned out to be not as stable as my current solution.

I experimented with jk2, too. Big advantage with jk2 is that you don't have to change the httpd.conf with every change in your mounts (you keep them in a separate file workers2.properties). But I had some very strange results with jk2, resources like images and css has been served in a random-like order after some hours with heavy load and my boring pages looked like artwork :-) maybe a cashing problem, never found the reason, so I switched back to jk1.2. (at that time jk2 was still alpha, maybe it is fine now, but AFAIK there is currently no solution with jk2 and Jetty)

Sure you'll run into troubles if there are html files in the static directories, or you rename it to *.htm
Can't change the urls ;)

I you find a more flexible solution, please tell me.
The problem here, is relying on suffixes ..... we cannot .....

As I remember, mapping '/' to mod_webapp stopped Apache from serving ANYTHING.

WebAppConnection warpConnection warp ministrant.leonid:8008
WebAppDeploy cocoon warpConnection /

this works, but now EVERYTHING is handled by cocoon. (That's maybe what you mean)

But as you imply in your sample above, this is not the case with JK2?

So I would be able to map a long list of folders to JK2 and have everything else automatically handled by Apache?


JkMount / worker2
JkMount /index worker2
JkMount /index.* worker2
JkMount /archive/* worker2
JkMount /collaboration/* worker2
JkMount /education/* worker2
JkMount /general/* worker2
JkMount /library/* worker2
JkMount /news/* worker2
JkMount /press/* worker2
JkMount /publications/* worker2
JkMount /season/* worker2
JkMount /search/* worker2
JkMount /x-space/* worker2

Is this going to work?

Yes, this will work - with the drawback, that you probably have to update httpd.conf very often.
It would be famous if the guys from jk would adopt the cocoon sitemap language. But at present the matching possibilities are very limited. */dir/ or **/dir/* does not work :(

Will Cocoon 'receive' the whole URL, or just the bit picked up by the '*'?

yes, the whole URL

Thanks for your help.

regards Jeremy


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