Hi Christian:

I saw you recently commited this changes:

1- New Logicsheet for use with InputModules. (CH)
2- add xsp.xsl now includes all xsp:init-page tags. Additional
xsp:exit-page tag for cleanup operations. (CH)

I use XSP and I will be glad to learn a little about this new features.

Two months ago you helped me with autonumeric-module for PosgreSQL Databse
using modular database. I dont saw the module into the cocoon.xconf. Of
course I have it already in my cocoon.xconf ;-) Thanks again.

<component-instance logger="core.modules.auto" name="auto"

All I can said about it is that work fine. I have it already into
production without any problem. :-D

Can you include it into the cocoon.xconf or there is another policies
about what include into cocoon.xconf?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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