
Many Thanks again!

Yes, I will add some wiki pages.


Antonio Gallardo

Christian Haul dijo:
> Antonio Gallardo wrote:
>> Hi Christian:
>  >
>> I saw you recently commited this changes:
>> 1- New Logicsheet for use with InputModules. (CH)
> Antonio,
> input.xsl is a very simple logicsheet, it contains three tags
> <input:get-parameter/>, <input:get-parameter-values/> and
> <input:get-parameter-names/> which just call the similar methods on an
> InputModule.
> References to modules are obtained at first access and are released at
> the end of the page. Consecutive accesses reuse the cached references.
> Apart from a mandatory parameter @module the tags should behave very
> much like the same tags from request.xsl
> Only drawback is that default values are limited to java.lang.String.
> It is based on logicsheet-utils.xsl so it takes <input:param/> for any
> parameter.
> An example can be found on the concepts document for modules.
>> 2- add xsp.xsl now includes all xsp:init-page tags. Additional
>> xsp:exit-page tag for cleanup operations. (CH)
> All top-level <xsp:exit-page/> tags will be included at the end of the
> page, i.e. after endDocument() is called. exit-page may only contain
> java code. A similar tag exists with init-page which is fired just
> before startDocument() is called.
> Both can be used to initialize local variables / clean up. Since they
> are outside the document scope, they _cannot_ be used to output anything
>  to the client like headers or footers.
>> I use XSP and I will be glad to learn a little about this new
>> features.
>> Two months ago you helped me with autonumeric-module for PosgreSQL
>> Databse using modular database. I dont saw the module into the
>> cocoon.xconf. Of course I have it already in my cocoon.xconf ;-)
>> Thanks again.
>> <autoincrement-modules>
>> <component-instance logger="" name="auto"
>> class="org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.database.PgsqlAutoIncrementModule"/>
>> </autoincrement-modules>
>> All I can said about it is that work fine. I have it already into
>> production without any problem. :-D
>> Can you include it into the cocoon.xconf or there is another policies
>> about what include into cocoon.xconf?
> According to my own repository it is in cocoon.xconf -- oh wait -- not
> for 2.1. OK, will fix that.
> BTW it is now possible to specify a different sequence name than the
> default one. See javadocs for details.
> Now, you've got the complete story, you write some docs ;-)
> Maybe you can get this up on the Wiki?
>       Chris.
> --
> C h r i s t i a n       H a u l
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