Cocoon shell work without any problems with Xalan 2.4.1, if you (re)place the files xalan-xxx.jar, xerces-xxx.jar (or xercesImpl-xxx.jar) and xml-apis.jar in(to) the endorsed directory either of Tomcat or JDK. The versions used with Cocoon must be identical with the version in the endorsed directory. If you use the endored directory of the JDK, you must not have other versions of Xalan and Xerces in the Tomcat endorsed (it has more priority).

Hope this helps,


Tiago Dias wrote:
Hi Josef,

  I think your problem is the same (at least similar) to the one I got when
tried to use Xalan 2.4.1 instead of the default 2.3.1 brought in the Cocoon
2.0.3 distribution. If you can try using Xalan version 2.3.1 instead and I
expect you won't have problems. Otherwise you'd need a Cocoon distribution
that supports Xalan 2.4.1 (has been recently included in the Cocoon

  Best regards,
  Tiago Dias

Quoting: "Franz-Josef Herpers"

since today I never had any problems installing Cocoon under Tomcat even
with JDK 1.4.

But now I have the following configuration:

Windows 2000 SP 3
Cocoon 2.0.3 for JDK 1.4
JDK 1.4.1
Tomcat 4.1.12
in the endorsed directory of JDK reside xalan.jar (Xalan 2.4.1) and the
xercesImpl.jar (Xerces 2.2.0) and the dom.jar und sax.jar files (JAXP 1.2).

When I open the cocoon starting page i get the following error message:

message: Language Exception

description: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception:
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling
Line 0, column 0: error: read error 1 error

The console shows:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException:
The ou
tput format must have a '{}content-handler'

I would appreciate any hint!


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