I'm not a PHP user in cocoon, but I can provide some hints on the
you asked about.  First, the biggest clues come from an odd location

This generator functions just like the JspGenerator, but with PHP templates.
The PHP must generate valid XML, and be a file in the context.

This generator requires a JAXP 1.1 compliant parser and the phpservlet.jar
file that comes from http://php.net. Install the files in the WEB-INF/libs
directory. The PhpGenerator is not Cacheable.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex McLintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 6:22 AM
> Subject: Re: PHP status?
> I asked about PHP within Cocoon and
> At 23:32 22/12/02, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> >"
> >  * Allows PHP to be used as a generator.  Builds upon the PHP servlet
> >  * functionallity - overrides the output method in order to pipe the
> >  * results into SAX events.
> >"
> >
> >Looking at the code, it takes the Request, calls a PhPServlet,
> and injects
> >the PHPServlet result into Cocoon as a Sax Stream.
> Ok, so it looks like if I need information I'll have to figure it out
> myself. (So what's new :-)
> For instance I am not sure how the PHPServlet fits in to this -
> is it part
> of Cocoon?

No, it's from php.net, although I don't know if the exact name given in that
doc is
still valid - it may ship with the default distribution of PHP though.

> I assumed that PHP had to be run by the compiled C apache module rather
> than a separate servlet.

You'll have to look at the php site for more information there - it seems
the servlet does depend on PHP being installed.

> I am not sure how it maintains state between calls - ie does my Cocoon
> sitemap have to know about all the potential parameters which my PHP code
> may use.... Hmmm.

You'll have to look in the code of PHPGenerator to confirm, but I believe
cocoon will pass the request object to the servlet, so potentially all
parameters should survive.  However, I don't believe that cookies share the
same luck, but again you'll have to check it out yourself.

Hope that helps,
Geoff Howard

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