Yves -

Why not build your select statement as a string variable inside an <xsp:logic> block after the root user tag, and then reference it thusly:


I do this all the time and it works perfectly.



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Yves Vindevogel wrote:

I've got a form with one textbox (name) and a combobox (type)
When the user presses "submit", a searchpage is called where I execute this query (on postgres db)

select * from vwProducts
where upper(name) like upper('%<xsp-request:get-parameter name="name"/>%')
and typeoid = <xsp-request:get-parameter name="type"/>

This works ....

Unfortunately, the combobox must be filled out. That's not exactly what I want because the user may let this one empty (selecting all with a certain name without regard to the type)

In that case, my query should be (empty combobox)
select * from vwProducts where upper(name) like upper('%<xsp-request:get-parameter name="name"/>%')

Something like this works too:
"select * from vwProducts where typeoid = " + <xsp-request:get-parameter name="type"/>

If I try this, I get errors : (Starts when I use an if-clause)
if (<xsp-request:get-parameter name="type"/>.equals("0"))
"select * from vwProducts"
"select * from vwProducts where name like ('%product%')"
} ;
I've tried several methods, I get:
Illegal start of expression on line ..... Method ValueOf() missing ....

Anyone can help me out ??

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