On 21 Jan 2003 at 18:29, John Austin wrote:

> As always, ... it depends ...
> You haven't said how many different time-series files you will
> be using and you haven't said how often these will be updated
> and/or queried.
> Your proposed solution may be appropriate and quite simple to
> implement or it may be a disaster in the making. Outsiders
> can't help you without much more information.

Yes, I know it was a broad (and not especially Cocoon-specific) 

Here's the context: We have several hundred thousand time series, but 
they will, for the foreseeable future, remain in their present 
repository (the Fame time series database application.)

However, there are a few hundred series which our staff use 
regularly, and which they need to query, graph, plug into reports, 
save as PDFs, import into spreadsheets, etc. By and large, the Cocoon 
framework seems like a promising way of providing these "multiple 
views" of the data.

At this early stage in our planning, we're considering a mechanism 
whereby these few hundred series are dumped from Fame into XML, one 
file per time series. We explicitly don't want to dump the data into 
some intermediate format (e.g, Oracle or whatever), because Fame will 
remain the core database.

So I suppose I was just trying to get a handle on what the 
"preferred" methods would be of using web forms to do simple queries 
on these XML files... other folks mentioned XSLT, which I realize 
would be one route... but I still don't know enough about JSP, XSP, 
etc, to know what other mechanisms might be available.

Brent Eades, Almonte, Ontario

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