On 23.Jan.2003 -- 06:02 PM, Cyril Vidal wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry if this question has already been asked before. I've checked out
> in the archives, but these seem to be  available for the moment...
> I'm under Windows 2000, j2sdk1.4.1, and Cocoon 2.0.4
> I just would like to perform an XSLT transformation. In this aim, I use the
> very simple sitemap.xmap (snippet):
> <map:match pattern="">
> <map:generator src="participants.xml"/>
> <map:transform src="participants.xsl"/>
> <map:serialize/>
> </map:match>
> But, infortunately, I receive the following error message:
> message Failed to generate program code (this may happen if you use Xalan in
> incremental processing mode). Please check log file and/or console for
> errors.
> description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to generate
> program code (this may happen if you use Xalan in incremental processing
> mode). Please check log file and/or console for errors

not enough information. include a larger portion of the logs.

perhaps you have the serverpages generator as default? Try 
  <map:generate type="file" src="participants.xml"/>

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